Ardmore Flying School

ADAPT™ is an assessment that New Zealand flight training schools use to assess your suitability for pilot training

Contact Person: 
Warren Sattler
64 9 298 5055
Email Address: 

When you are choosing aviation as a career, selecting the right school is vital to your success. With our fleet of factory new Cessna 172R's and our accreditation as the only Cessna Pilot Training Centre within the countries of the Pacific Rim and Asia, Ardmore Flying School offers the ideal facilities for you to learn. We are a Flight Training School that recognises the need for individual attention. We are committed to the ideals of seamless flight training and all the advantages airlines recognise, providing you with a competitive edge.

  • Physical Address: Harvard Lane, Ardmore Airport, Papakura, Auckland
  • Postal Address: PO Box 72-744, Papakura, Auckland
  • Phone: 64 9 298 5055
  • Fax: 64 9 298 3007
  • Email:
  • Web:

Call us: 0800 863 693 or email ADAPT™ is a licensed product, administered in New Zealand by ServiceIQ.